DB4 prefers that our consultants perform client work on client systems, to keep client data secure. This means either the client's computers, or the client's collaborative workspaces. DB4 will never retain client electronic records unless requested and approved (in writing) by our client.
DB4 invoices are typically produced monthly and terms are normally N/30. Other Terms & Conditions can be accommodated on request.
DB4 will engage with any commercial standard vendor management system, and we are currently on ExoStar.
DB4 carries sufficient business & general liability insurance to meet all standard vendor requirements.
DB4 will never accept a tasking from a new client that conflicts with an existing client, and will state so in our engagement document.
We use those annoying cookies to optimize your website experience - NOT to send you marketing junk! If you accept our cookies (chocolate chip or otherwise), your data will be aggregated with all other user data and remain confidential.